More services in Brandenburg
Below you will find the services in Brandenburg relating to integration issues for people with a migration background.
The Coordination Centre is happy to receive information on changes to the services.
- Welcome to Brandenburg (Counselling centres for international professionals, people with a history of migration and refugees living in Brandenburg, on the topics of work, life, family, school, housing, leisure, education, health and everyday life)
- Migration counselling for adults
- mbeon - Online counselling for adult migrants
- Counselling for migrants under 27
- Integration Commissioner's counselling centre (questions concerning asylum, residence, asylum seeker benefits and social law) for people seeking advice, counselling centres, volunteers, authorities, etc.
- The Victim’s Perspective (Counselling for victims of right-wing violence, anti-discrimination counselling)
- Guide to the healthcare system for refugees in Brandenburg
- Telephone and video interpreting in Brandenburg for authorised bodies such as counselling centres, shared accommodation, projects, etc.
- Funding for migrant organisations
- List of Integration Commissioners in Brandenburg